Paolo Troilo

The hyperrealist artist who paints with fingers. Art director
“We would all love to be suspended in a transparent world, to move with grace when it's not required, and most importantly, because it's not required. Water doesn't demand respect; it leaves us free to decide, and that deserves respect.”

Roberto Ridi

Elba Island - Italy
International landscape and nature photographer
“The sea is what water means to me, a magnificent liquid, the sky's mirror. I live on an island, embraced by this immense element, changing, unstoppable, capable of instilling serenity but commanding respect, both gentle and mighty. From the transparency of the surface to its dark depths, it is like the human soul.”

GMB Akash

Born in Bangladsh He grew up in a home far removed from my profession. Throughout His childhood he did not have access to photographers, their work, or even a camera. Photography did not exist for him in theory or in practice. Then a decade later, he found his father’s old camera and his life took a different turn. His fascination for the captured image was uncontainable and overcame everything — even his inexperience. Not knowing what he was doing or why, he went everywhere shooting anything and everything that caught my attention. The only thing he was certain of were the subjects he photographed. He concentrated on people living on the edge of society because their faces, lives, and living conditions held a particular fascination for him. Gradually he became absorbed in their daily lives for months on end, learning from their experiences. His desire to capture it all on film pushed him to go to places and to meet people he never would have encountered otherwise. Each visit gave him a deeper understanding of humanity. As he improved in his art over the years, his work has been featured in over 100 major, international publications including: National Geographic, Vogue, Time, Sunday Times, Newsweek, Geo, Stern, Der Spiegel, The Fader, Brand Ein, The Guardian, Marie Claire, Colors, The Economist, The New Internationalist, Kontinente, Amnesty Journal, Courier International, PDN, Die Zeit, Days Japan, Hello, and Sunday Telegraph of London. He has received more than 100 international photography awards and recognition starting in 2002 when he became the first Bangladeshi to be selected for the World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass in the Netherlands. He was one of the speakers at the fifth Global Investigative Journalism Conference, held at Lillehammer, Norway in 2008 and as well as at Ted Talk at TEDxOporto 2011, in Portugal where He was the first Bangladeshi to speak for this event. Also He was one of the speakers at TEDxHyderabad 2017. In the same year, 2017, He was one of the speakers at the "7th Forum of Emerging Leaders in Asian Journalism", in Yogyakarta, Indonesia". He has had Solo Exhibitions from 2006 to 2018 in Bangladesh, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, the USA in New York, N.Y. and Charleston, S.C, as well as in the Czech Republic and Greece.
Some people have no time to enjoy the rain because they remain too busy collecting drinking water. Please do not waste a drop of water, someone out there is spending hours just trying to get some!

Angelo Ferrillo e Sara Rossatelli

Sara is photographer and interior designer, Angelo is photoreporter, photoeditor, professor of photography and engineering. A couple of documentarist and life partners, an unique duo in our jury team.
Water is a natural oxymoron. It muffles and resounds, it is one and there are many. Its transparency preserves the colors of the rainbow and its light and perpetual caress leaves traces of its presence. Capable of shaping massive surfaces and spreading life, each drop is the mirror of wonderful worlds. One day we will really realize how important it was to study from an early age that we are made of 60% water. That day we will probably understand how stupid we were to underestimate the importance of that teaching.

Renata Ferri

Renata is journalist, photo editor, curator, teacher, and chief editor of iODonna
We cannot realize the important of water only when we miss it. We must always act so that it will never happen

Nancy Borowick

United States
Nancy Borowick is an internationally renowned photographer, author, teacher and speaker, and works regurally with New York Times.
For many of us, access to clean, safe water is a turn-of-the-tap away. It’s easy to take this life-giving, life-sustaining gift for granted but 2.2 billion people around the world are not as lucky and are at great risk, every day, of illness, disease and death because of the contaminated water. Photography is a powerful tool and through storytelling, photographs can create empathy, awareness, and become a catalyst for meaningful change.

Amilton Neves Cuna

Amilton is an International photoreporter, documentarist and anthropologist.
Water is the basis for all life. Everywhere you find life, you find water, so if you want to preserve life, you must preserve water.

Russell Ord

Russell an internationally acclaimed photographer and documentarist, is one of the world’s leading surf photographers, his ocean images are celebrated for simultaneously implying the cruelty and majesty of the sea.
Water is freedom!

Jashim Salam

Jashim Salam is a photoreporter, journalist and artist.
Water is one of the most important substances on our planet. All living things must have water to survive. If there was no water there would be no life on earth

Domenico Cammarano

Born in Cilento (Italy), lives and works between Rome and Montpelier. Thanks to my parents, I grew up with a strong curiosity and attention to details. I immediately fell in love with the beautiful closter olympic, the camera of my dad. It still works and looks great in my camera’s collection. My first serious camera was a Yashica Fx-3, A dream come tue. After working as a procrastinator, I finally graduated in geophysics at the University of Rome in 1998. In my journey of life, I have never abandoned photography, and after stealing all my photographic equipment I decided to go digital, just when I decided that the only way to improve in photography is to work hard and study with ardor the masters of the past. And, before you take up a camera, you should eat many and many books. After attending some photostudios, I convinced me to become a professional photographer in the early 2000s. I love documentary, portrait and street photography and Yes, of course I love telling stories. I think however, that the only possible Photography is the encounter of light with argentic-substance and, for this reason in 2010, I again approached film photography, up to these days, with the purchase of my beautiful leica M2.
“We never know the true value of water until the well is dry” Proverb

Simone Bramante

Nato a Siracusa cresciuto a Finale Emilia lavora in sei continenti Laureato in lettere Ha iniziato verso la fine degli anni ’90 scattare con una Canon 3000 a pellicola, influenzato dal fascino del bianco e nero, dall’amore per la grana e dai film Ilford. È un Digital Creative Director, un fotografo, e prima di tutto uno Storyteller. Come direttore creativo è un’avanguardia nel mondo della pubblicità: Ford Usa, DiSaronno, Ducati, Volvo, Absolut, Maserati, Samsung, Unicredit, Hotel Marriot. Uno dei primi italiani ad entrare nelle grazie del team di Instagram che spesso ha pubblicato le sue foto nello stream dell’account ufficiale e ad essere tra gli utenti suggeriti. Ad oggi, su Instagram @brahmino ha oltre 880mila follower.
Un nuovo giorno, una nuova chance per essere ispirati dalla natura per costruire qualcosa di buono per il nostro mondo